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Setting transcription priority

By default, reports are created with a routine priority. When using the transcription workflow, there is an option to elevate the priority of a report to STAT, indicating to an MT that the report is time sensitive. You can do this by changing the priority toggle from Routine to STAT.



This function can be mapped to a microphone button in the FFI Administrator user preferences (Toggle transcription priority (Stat/Routine)).

To set the transcription priority
  1. Create the report or open an already existing dictation job.

  2. Change the toggle from Routine to Stat.

  3. Save and close the report.

The priority toggle position will be saved and the next time the report is opened, the report will be correctly indicated. You can also set the priority back.

To reset the transcription priority
  1. Open the report for editing.

  2. Change the toggle from Stat to Routine.

  3. Save and close the report.