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Dictating in Narrative mode


The Narrative dictation mode was removed from Fluency for Imaging in version 4.30.

Narrative mode supports users who are comfortable working in a digital dictation/transcription environment. In Narrative Mode, a radiologist dictates the entire report in a natural, conversational style. Until the audio is submitted, the user does not need to interact with the editor and can use Compact mode to minimize the dictation window, leaving more of the screen available for image viewing.


As part of the Narrative Mode process, the M*Modal Speech Understanding Engine interprets the narrative, places the dictated content in the appropriate structural section of the draft, and codifies key terms against known ontologies such as SNOMED and RadLex. Once a draft report is created, it will be returned based on the user’s workflow. The following workflows are supported:

  • Self Edit Workfow: allows the physician to dictate a report, review/edit, and then sign.

  • Batch Workfow: This mode allows the physician to dictate multiple reports, submit them, and then retrieve them for self-editing at a later time. MT Edit Workfow: This mode allows the physician to dictate single or multiple reports and submit to an MT for review/edit. The reports are then returned to the user for review/edit and signature.

To dictate in Narrative Mode, speak the section title, followed by a colon followed by the section content. For example: Clinical History colon thirty four year old female with a history of chest pain. Comparison colon CT chest one view dated three fourteen two thousand and five.


Users who self correct a job completed in Narrative Mode will automatically be placed in Voice Edit mode to complete the self-correction process.

Additionally, users who self-correct have the option to highlight words considered relevant (e.g., right, left, ascending, descending, not, etc.) or underline words that have a lower confidence level (words that the recognizer is less confident it has recognized correctly), These features are available as part of the Fluency Settings as a user preference.