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Dictating in Fluency for Reporting

The dictator can interact with the template using a robust set of voice commands, which can be used to navigate between different sections of the report and make insertions, corrections, and formatting changes. The dictator can also use the keyboard/mouse and/or the microphone to interact with the editor.

There are four options for editing:

  • Voice: These commands allow the dictator to use speech to edit the report (used for brief instructions, such as selecting a specific word or words). Within the application, click the help icon to the right of the Mode indicator to get a list of voice commands. A complete list of commands can also be found in the Appendices.

  • Narrative: A radiologist dictates the entire report in a natural, conversational style. Until the audio is submitted, the user does not need to interact with the editor and can use Compact mode to minimize the dictation window, leaving more of the screen available for image viewing.

  • Keyboard/Mouse: Using the keyboard shortcuts and/or mouse, the dictator can navigate and make selections of text in the editor, as well as type directly into the editor to make corrections. Within the application, click on the help icon to the right of the Mode indicator to get a list of keyboard shortcuts. A complete list of shortcuts can also be found in the Appendices.

  • Microphone: Use the buttons on the microphone to navigate between different sections of the document (by mapping function buttons or using the FF/RW buttons to navigate).


The Narrative dictation mode was removed from Fluency for Imaging in version 4.30.

Using a combination of voice commands and mapped microphone buttons, a user completes dictation like this example: "Go to end of Clinical History (pause) thirty-four year old female with history of chest pain <period>; (pause) Go to end of Comparison (pause) None"