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Assigning age or gender to a template


This functionality is available in Fluency for Imaging v4.40 and higher.

By default, templates are assigned to all ages and genders. However, you can specify a template to be used with only a specific gender or age/age range. Templates assigned by Patient age and/or gender assignments are not considered in the hierarchy for templates.  This means is that there is no order in which these templates with gender or age-range assignments will be displayed. The standard hierarchy still applies.

To assign a template to a particular age/gender
  1. Open the template you want to work with or create a new template.

  2. Select the gender from the Patient Gender field.



    Patient genders are defined in the Admin pages by going to Foundation > Genders.

  3. Specify the age or age range the template applies to. Age assignment is set in weeks or years. You can specify months by using the number of weeks. For example, one month would be four weeks.

  4. Save.