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Edit Command

To edit an existing command, click on the command to open the Edit The Command window. You can make any changes, adding or deleting actions or reordering actions as desired. Once your changes have been made click Save.

Copy Command

Fluency Direct allows you to copy a command from one group and paste it into another group.

  • Right click on the command you wish to copy and select Copy.

  • Select the Group that you wish to copy the command to and right click.

  • Select Paste Into this Group.


From here, you will need to name the command. It must be unique and cannot be the same name as the command you copied. For example, if you copy the command, Cancel Note and when paste it into a new group, name it something unique, such as Cancel My Note. In addition, you can open the Command Editor and edit the command if needed.


Delete Command

To delete an existing command, hover over the command you wish to delete and click the (x) delete icon on the far right.
