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Advanced Scripting using VBScript

Sometimes it is necessary for M*Modal Fluency Direct to execute more complex behavior than would otherwise not be possible with the built in action steps available in custom commands. For this reason, an action step exists that allows for the running of VBScript or Javascript based code to preform conditional logic and to interact with the Windows Desktop. A creator of such a command has available to them the full functionality of the Microsoft VBScripting language extended with specific methods and functions provided by Fluency Direct. VBScript shares the same underlying language as Dragon Advanced Scripting.

Reasons to use complex scripting

  • Conditional logic is necessary, such as if\then logic based on the state of the current window or text control.

  • A custom command has become suffciently complex that it is easier to maintain via normal coding methods.

  • An interaction is required with external systems or the windows desktop.