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Sending a report for overread

As a radiologist, you can send a report to another provider for review, called an overread. You can send a report to an individual provider or to a pool. Click on the label in the bottom right corner to launch the assignment window.


The label will only appear if you have permission to perform this action in the associated workflow. Note: You cannot send a report for overread if it is in Narrative mode.

To send a report for overread
  1. If necessary, launch the report from the job list.

  2. Select the provider or pool to assign the report to.

  3. Click Send for Overread.

Once you select a user/pool for assignment, that selection will be "sticky" for the remainder of your FFI Reporting session. That is, if you send another report for overread, the previous user/pool selection will show on the assignment dialog.

The report will appear in the appropriate job list with a red label to indicate it is waiting for an overread.


You can reclaim an overread job as long as the assigned provider has not made changes to the report.