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Ranking templates

Templates can have many-to-many relationships with procedure codes. That is, one template can be associated with multiple codes (e.g., the CT HEAD template can be associated with the CT HEAD W and CT HEAD WO codes), and one code can be associated with multiple templates (e.g., the CR CHEST procedure code can have a Normal template, a CHF template and an Infiltrate template).


When an exam is loaded int FFI Reporting for dictation, the system will try to pick the correct template. This can be set at the user level by ranking the templates associated with a procedure code (see the Appendices for more information on how the correct template is automatically launched).

To rank personal templates
  1. Launch the Personal Template Manager and locate the template, either by scanning the list or searching.

  2. Click on one of the procedure codes associated with the template to launch the Procedure Code Template Manager.

  3. Select the template that should be loaded by default when an exam with this procedure code is launched in FFI Reporting.

  4. Click OK.