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Starter Sets have only been tested for specific versions displayed and may not work as expected with other versions.

As starter sets, these command files are not intended to provide every possible voice command but can make it easier to navigate through the intended EMR.  Users should not expect to be able to do absolutely everything with a voice command, some actions will still require a mouse or keyboard. These sets are meant to be starter sets so customization may be required for commands to work in each customers environment. For additional information, see Elekta Mosaiq.

Set of commands for populating and completing a clinical worksheet.  Adding Diagnosis, Drug, Approval and more as well as Click Close, Click Change, etc.


Commands to edit date ranges.




Change Date All

Alt + A

Changes the date range

Change Last 12 Weeks

Alt + 1

Changes the date range by 12 weeks

Change Last 24 weeks

Alt + 2

Changes the date range by 24 weeks

Change last 4 weeks

Alt + 4

Changes the date range by 4 weeks

Change last year

Alt + Y

Changes the date range by a year


These commands assist in performing the quality checklist; Click Add, Click Append, Click Complete, Click Delete, and Click OK.




Click Add

Ctrl + A

Clicks on add

Click Append

Ctrl + E

Clicks on append

Click Complete

Ctrl + M

Clicks on complete

Click Delete

Ctrl + D

Clicks on delete

Click Ok

Ctrl + O

Clicks on ok
