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Fluency Direct Control Bar

After opening the Fluency Direct application, the Control Bar will appear on the desktop.


You can drag the Control Bar to any location on the screen or you can dock it on any edge of the screen that you prefer. To dock the Control Bar, click and drag to a screen edge (the screen edge will become highlighted when you near it). Drop it where you want the Control Bar to be docked. Fluency Direct will remember the location of the Control Bar and will open in the same position each time you log in.

FD Control Bar - Version 10.0.500 and up
FD Control Bar - 10.0.400 and below

Left: Version10.0.500 and higher. Right: Version 10.0.400 and below.

From the Control Bar’s drop down menu, you can access the Fluency Direct settings and tools. You can also access the Help Menu for User Guides and Video Tutorials, open the Editor, Change your Password, Sign Out, or Quit Fluency Direct. Follow the links below to learn more about each option.

  • Microphone Setup - Your microphone is setup during your Initial Experience, but can be changed at any time. When installing a new microphone, the setup will need to be performed again.

  • Customize your Dictionary, add Abbreviations, create Commands, define Formatting, select your Device Buttons, and define Medical Specialty. In addition, you can perform Profile Training at any time from here.

  • Speech Box - The Speech Box is an integrated application that allows you to dictate into and then transfer the text to any application. The benefit of Speech Box over the standard text/note pad is that Speech Box will respond to a pre-defined set of voice commands.

  • Help - Access the online help, Perform System Check, Submit Feedback, and view the About information.

  • Account Settings - The Account Settings option will allow you to update your security question and answer, update your email, and change your password.

  • Signing Out - Sign out from the Fluency Direct application or exit the application completely