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Epic General Hyperspace 2015

General commands that can be used throughout the Epic EMR. Examples include: Click Accept, Click That, Copy That, Next Activity, and more.





Add Allergies

Alt + R

Adds allergies when in past medical history window

Add Assessments

Alt + A

Adds assessments when in billing window

Add Complaint

Alt + A

Adds complaint when in chief complaint window

Add Hospitalization

Alt + D

Adds hospitalization when in surgical history window

Add Medical History

Alt + A

Adds medical history when in past medical history window

Add Surgical History

Alt + A

Adds surgical history when in surgical history window

Click Allergies

Alt + L

Clicks allergies when in treatment window

Click Assessments

Alt + A

Clicks assessment when in examination, physical examination, preventative medicine, and treatment window

Click Billing

Alt + B

Clicks billing when in CDSS alert window

Click Browse

Alt + B

Clicks browse when in chief complaint, vitals, HPI, social history, ROS, physical examination, preventative medicine, assessment, treatment, and billing windows

Click Cancel

Alt + C

Clicks cancel in most windows with an OK button

Click CDSS

Alt + C

Clicks CDSS when in treatment and billing windows

Click Chief Complaints

Alt + C

Clicks chief complaint when in medication reconciliation window

Click Close

Alt + C

Clicks close when in billing window

Click Confidential Note

Alt + O

Clicks confidential note when in billing window

Click Delete

Alt + D

Click delete when in patient lookup window

Click Done

Alt + D

Clicks done when in billing window

Click Drawing

Alt + D

Clicks drawing when in examination and physical examination windows

Click EM Coder

Alt + E

Clicks EM Coder when in billing window

Click Examination

Alt + E

Clicks Examination when in HPI and assessment windows

Click Family History

Alt + F

Clicks on family history when in surgical history and social history windows

Click HPI

Alt + H

Clicks HPI when in vitals and examination windows

Click Joint Table

Alt + T

Click joint table when in examination window

Click Medication Reconciliation

Alt + M

Clicks medication reconciliation when in chief complaints, past medical history, and vitals windows

Click New

Alt + N

Clicks new when in patient lookup window

Click New Copy

Alt + E

Clicks new copy when in patient lookup window

Click Next

Alt + N

Clicks next when in patient lookup window

Click No

Alt + N

Clicks no in most windows with a no button

Click OK

Alt + O

Clicks OK in most windows with a cancel button

Click Past Medical History

Alt + P

Clicks past medical history when in medication reconciliation and surgical history windows

Click Physical Exam

Alt + H

Clicks physical exam when in vitals window

Click Preventative Med

Alt + P

Clicks preventative med when in treatment window

Click Previous

Alt + P

Clicks previous when in patient lookup window

Click Print Orders

Alt + P

Clicks print orders when in treatment window

Click ROS

Alt + R

Clicks ROS when in social history window

Click Send Prescription

Alt + S

Clicks send prescription when in treatment window

Click Social History

Alt + S

Clicks social history when in family history and ROS window

Click Treatment

Alt + T

Clicks treatment when in assessments, CDSS alerts and preventative medicine windows

Click Vitals

Alt + V

Clicks vitals when in past medical history window

Click Yes

Alt + Y

Clicks yes in most windows with a yes button

Close Window

Alt + F4

Closes the window in most windows

Go to Chief Complaint

Alt + D

Goes to chief complaint from progress note

Patient Info

Alt + I

Goes to patient info when in patient lookup window

Patient Lookup

Alt + S

Goes to patient lookup when in progress note

Remove Allergies

Alt + E

Removes allergies when in past medical history windows

Remove Assessments

Alt + R

Removes assessments when in assessment and billing windows

Remove Complaint

Alt + R

Removes complaint when in chief complaint window

Remove Hospitalization

Alt + E

Remove hospitalization when in surgical history window

Remove Medical History

Alt + R

Remove medical history when in past medical history windows

Remove Surgical History

Alt + R

Removes surgical history when in surgical history window

Provides commands designed to navigate around the Epic InBasket.





Next Folder

Alt + Down

Goes to the next folder in users InBasket

Next Message


Goes to the next message in users InBasket

Previous Folder

Alt + Up

Goes to pervious folder in users InBasket

Previous Message


Goes to previous message in users InBasket

Commands for navigating through the Epic EMR.





Go to Chief Complaint

Ctrl + Shift + C

Goes to chief complaint

Go to Diagnosis

Ctrl + G

Goes to diagnosis

Go to Find

Ctrl + F

Goes to find

Go to Follow Up

Ctrl + Shift + F

Goes to follow up

Go to Graphs

Ctrl + Shift + V

Goes to graphs

Go to History

Ctrl + Shift + H

Goes to history

Go to Images

Alt + I

Goes to images

Go to LOS

Ctrl + Shift + L

Goes to LOS

Go to More Activities

Ctrl + D

Goes to more activities

Go to My InBasket

Ctrl + 4

Goes to inbasket

Go to Navigator

Ctrl + N

Goes to the navigator

Go to Next Section


Goes to next section

Go to Order Entry

Ctrl + O

Goes to order entry

Go to Patient Instructions

Ctrl + Shift + I

Goes to patient instructions

Go to Patient Summary

Alt + O

Goes to patient summary

Go to Previous Message


Goes to previous message

Go to Progress Notes

Ctrl + Shift + N

Goes to progress note

Go to Questionnaires

Alt + Q

Goes to questionnaires

Go to Schedule

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Goes to schedule

Go to Vitals

Ctrl + Shift + V

Goes to vitals

Specific command set for working with Sections.





Bold That

Ctrl+ B

Bolds selected text

Close Note


Closes the current note

Go to Next Smart List


Goes to the next available Smart List

Go to Previous Smart List

Shift + F2

Goes to the previous Smart List

List My Phrases


Shows a list of Smart Phrases

Set Defaults

Ctrl + F12

Sets Defaults

Command set for navigating the Order Entry window. Includes Browse Tab, Database Lookup Tab, Facility List Tab, Open Preference Tab, Preference List Tab, Search Order, and Select and Stay.





Browse Tab


Goes to browsing tab

Database Lookup Table


Goes to database lookup table

Facility List Tab


Goes to facility list tab

Open Preference List

Alt + L

Opens the preference list

Preference List Tab


Tabs in the preference list

Search Order


Goes to search order

Select and Stay

Alt + Y

Selects an order

Contains the Click Chart command.





Click Chart

Alt + C

Clicks in the chart