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Epic Beaker 2014





Show Actions Menu

Alt + T

Drop down Actions menu

Case Results Actions Menu (user must first call "Actions Menu"):

Select Order Inquiry

Shift + Q

Open Order Inquiry

Select Patient Inquiry

Shift + I

Open Patient Inquiry

Select Chart Review

Shift + H

Open Chart Review

Select Results Review

Shift + R

Open Results Review

Select Case Builder

Shift + B

Open Case Builder

Select Case Info

Shift + N

Open Case Info

Select Labels and Docs

Shift + L

Open Labels & Docs

Select Requisition Entry

Shift + Y

Open Requisition Entry

Select Communication Log

Shift + G

Open Communication Log

Select Add Followup Task

Shift + T

Open Add Follow-up Task

Select Case QA

Shift + A

Open Case QA

Select CC Results

Shift + U

Open CC Results

Select Cancel

Shift + C


Select Case Inquiry

Shift + S

Open Case Inquiry

Select Holds

Shift + D

Open Holds

Select Reevaluate Result Checking

Shift + E

Open Reevaluate Result Checking

Select Reverse Status

Shift + V

Open Reverse Status

Select Restore to Work List

Shift + W

Open Restore to Work List





Go to Addendum

Alt + E

Add an addendum

Go to Advance

Alt +U

Advance case status.

Go to Amendment

Alt + M

Open Amendment from Case Results

Go to Assign

Alt + I, Wait, I

Assign a user responsibility for a case from with in Case Results

Go to Case QA

Alt + T, Wait, A

Open Case QA from Case Results

Go to Charges

Alt + G

From Case Results, open then Charges tab

Go to Clinical Info

Alt + E, Wait, Alt +1

From Case Results, open Clinical Information

Go to Comment

Alt + E, Wait, Alt + 8

Open Comment entry in Case Results

Go to Intraoperative Consult

Alt + E, Wait, Alt + 3

Open Intraoperative Consult

Enter Charges

Alt + G, Wait,, Wait, down arrow 13 times, Wait, Shift + F5

From Case Results, open the Charges tab and jump to the bottom (blank) row.

Show Verify Menu

Alt + V


Final Verify

Alt + V, Wait, V

Final verify a case.

Go to Final Diagnosis

Alt + E, Wait, Alt + 1

From Case Results, open Final Diagnosis entry.

Go to Gross Description

Alt + E, Wait, Alt + 5

From Case Results, open Gross Description entry.

Gross Complete

Alt + T, Wait, Alt + F, Wait, Ctrl + W, Wait, Ctrl + W

From Case Results, advance the case status and close the patient's workspace.

Go to History

Alt + H

From Case Results, open the History tab.

Go to Micro

Alt + E, Wait, Alt + 4

Open Micro Description entry.

Prelim Verify

Alt + V, Wait, P

Prelim verify a case.

Go to Prelim Diagnosis

Alt + E, Wait, Alt + 9

Open Prelim Diagnosis

Go to Preview Report

Alt + W, Wait, Enter

See a preview of the case report.

Put Back

Alt + I, Wait, P

Put the case back into the surgical pathology work pool

Show Results

Alt + E

From Case Results, open Results pane.

Review Charges


Click Save

Alt + A

Save entered case result information.

Go to Sno Med

Alt + D

From Case Results, open the SNOMED tab.

Spell Check


Check spelling in Case Results.

Go to Special Stains

Atl + E, Wait, Alt + 5

Open Special Stains

Go to Synoptic

Alt + Y, Wait, Enter, Wait, Right Arrow, Wait, Shift +F5

From Case Results, open Synoptic pane and move directly into selection field.

Take Picture

Alt + C, Wait, C, Wait, Alt + A

Bring up the camera in Case Results. (opens up result scan and acquires picture)

Verify Report

Ctrl + W, Wait, Alt + V, Wait, V, Wait, Alt + F

From Preview Case Report, verify the case results.





Open New Case

Alt + B, Wait, N

Open a new case for selected tests.

Open Existing Case

Alt + B, Wait, E

Open existing case for selected tests.