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Starter Sets have only been tested for specific versions displayed and may not work as expected with other versions.

eClinicalWorks 11e Starter Set

Contains commands for navigating eClinicalWorks web-based.

Starter Set Version: eClinicalWorks 11e web-based

eClinicalWorks Version: 11e web-based

Fluency Direct Versions: FD v10.0.6108 or newer with Google Chrome extension 4.5 or newer


eClinical Scribe 11e Starter Set PDF

Contains a printable PDF of the commands available in the eClinicalWorks 11e web-based Starter Set.

Starter Set Version: eClinicalWorks 11e

*Commands are only configured for eClinicalWorks 11e web-based in Google Chrome


eClinicalWorks V10 Baseline Commands





Add Allergies

Alt + R

Adds allergies when in past medical history window

Add Assessments

Alt + A

Adds assessments when in billing window

Add Complaint

Alt + A

Adds complaint when in chief complaint window

Add Hospitalization

Alt + D

Adds hospitalization when in surgical history window

Add Medical History

Alt + A

Adds medical history when in past medical history window

Add Surgical History

Alt + A

Adds surgical history when in surgical history window

Click Allergies

Alt + L

Clicks allergies when in treatment window

Click Assessments

Alt + A

Clicks assessment when in examination, physical examination, preventative medicine, and treatment window

Click Billing

Alt + B

Clicks billing when in CDSS alert window

Click Browse

Alt + B

Clicks browse when in chief complaint, vitals, HPI, social history, ROS, physical examination, preventative medicine, assessment, treatment, and billing windows

Click Cancel

Alt + C

Clicks cancel in most windows with an OK button

Click CDSS

Alt + C

Clicks CDSS when in treatment and billing windows

Click Chief Complaints

Alt + C

Clicks chief complaint when in medication reconciliation window

Click Close

Alt + C

Clicks close when in billing window

Click Confidential Note

Alt + O

Clicks confidential note when in billing window

Click Delete

Alt + D

Click delete when in patient lookup window

Click Done

Alt + D

Clicks done when in billing window

Click Drawing

Alt + D

Clicks drawing when in examination and physical examination windows

Click EM Coder

Alt + E

Clicks EM Coder when in billing window

Click Examination

Alt + E

Clicks Examination when in HPI and assessment windows

Click Family History

Alt + F

Clicks on family history when in surgical history and social history windows

Click HPI

Alt + H

Clicks HPI when in vitals and examination windows

Click Joint Table

Alt + T

Click joint table when in examination window

Click Medication Reconciliation

Alt + M

Clicks medication reconciliation when in chief complaints, past medical history, and vitals windows

Click New

Alt + N

Clicks new when in patient lookup window

Click New Copy

Alt + E

Clicks new copy when in patient lookup window

Click Next

Alt + N

Clicks next when in patient lookup window

Click No

Alt + N

Clicks no in most windows with a no button

Click OK

Alt + O

Clicks OK in most windows with a cancel button

Click Past Medical History

Alt + P

Clicks past medical history when in medication reconciliation and surgical history windows

Click Physical Exam

Alt + H

Clicks physical exam when in vitals window

Click Preventative Med

Alt + P

Clicks preventative med when in treatment window

Click Previous

Alt + P

Clicks previous when in patient lookup window

Click Print Orders

Alt + P

Clicks print orders when in treatment window

Click ROS

Alt + R

Clicks ROS when in social history window

Click Send Prescription

Alt + S

Clicks send prescription when in treatment window

Click Social History

Alt + S

Clicks social history when in family history and ROS window

Click Treatment

Alt + T

Clicks treatment when in assessments, CDSS alerts and preventative medicine windows

Click Vitals

Alt + V

Clicks vitals when in past medical history window

Click Yes

Alt + Y

Clicks yes in most windows with a yes button

Close Window

Alt + F4

Closes the window in most windows

Go to Chief Complaint

Alt + D

Goes to chief complaint from progress note

Patient Info

Alt + I

Goes to patient info when in patient lookup window

Patient Lookup

Alt + S

Goes to patient lookup when in progress note

Remove Allergies

Alt + E

Removes allergies when in past medical history windows

Remove Assessments

Alt + R

Removes assessments when in assessment and billing windows

Remove Complaint

Alt + R

Removes complaint when in chief complaint window

Remove Hospitalization

Alt + E

Remove hospitalization when in surgical history window

Remove Medical History

Alt + R

Remove medical history when in past medical history windows

Remove Surgical History

Alt + R

Removes surgical history when in surgical history window

eClinicalWorks V9 Baseline Commands





Click Allergies

Alt + L

Clicks on Allergies

Click Browse

Alt + B

Clicks on Browse

Click Cancel

Alt + C

Clicks cancel in most windows with an OK button

Click Interactions

Alt + I

Clicks on Interactions

Click OK

Alt + O

Clicks on Ok


Alt + E

Goes to Encounters

Go to Assessment

Alt + A

Goes to Assessment

Go to Billing

Alt + B

Goes to Billing

Go to CDSS

Alt + C

Goes to CDSS

Go to Chief Complaint

Alt + C

Clicks print orders when in treatment window

Click ROS

Alt + R

Goes to Chief Complaint

Go to Examination

Alt + E

Goes to Examination

Go to Family History

Alt + F

Goes to Family History

Go to HPI

Alt + H

Goes to HPI

Go to Past Medical History

Alt + P

Goes to Past Medical History

Go to Physical Exam

Alt + H

Goes to Physical Exam

Go to Preventative Med

Alt + P

Goes to Preventative Medicine

Go to ROS

Alt + R

Goes to ROS

Go to Social History

Alt + S

Goes to Social History

Go to Surgical History

Alt + U, Alt+ S

Goes to Surgical History

Go to Treatment

Alt + T

Goes to Treatment

Go to Vitals

Alt + V

Goes to Vitals


Alt + L

Goes to Letters

New Telephone Encounter

Alt + T

Opens new telephone encounter

Patient Lookup

Alt + P, Alt + L

Goes to Patient Lookup

Progress Note

Alt + P

Goes to Progress Note