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Add New Action

To add a new device button action, click on the Add button in the top right corner. The Add a Device Button Action window will appear.


Device Button

Click in the Device Button field and then press the device button (i.e. EOL button on your Phillips SpeechMike or the F7 key on your keyboard). If the button you have selected is already assigned, you will receive an error letting you know that the button is already assigned and you need to choose a new button.


Action Type

Recording Mode

Allows you to select your recording mode.

  • Standard (accepts both text and commands)

  • Text Only (ignores commands)

  • Command Only (ignores text)

You can then choose your recording behavior.

  • Hold to Talk

  • Toggle to Talk

Command Mode

Allows you to enter a Command that will be performed when that button is pressed.  To enter the Command, start typing the command name, the list will populate with all commands matching.  You can select from your complete list of Commands which will be available in the dropdown list.

Keystroke Mode

Allows you to assign a specific keystroke to that button.