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Appendix A: Fluency Voice commands

The table below lists the voice commands available in FFI Reporting. A checkmark in the Supported without Pausing column indicates that the command can be used fluidly, meaning a pause in dictation is not required immediately before or after the command is spoken. Commands that are not supported without pausing require a brief pause in dictation before and after the command is spoken.

Table 20. Selection commands

What you say

Expected Behavior

Supported without Pausing

select <word sequence>

Select a word, or group of words (five word limit), including punctuation

select <word> through <word>

Select the text beginning with the first word spoken through the last word spoken

select all

Select all text in the entire document

select next <n> words

Select the number of words (2-9, including punctuation) to the right of the cursor

select previous <n> words

Select the number of words (2-9, including punctuation) to the left of the cursor

select current sentence/paragraph/list item

Selects the entire sentence, paragraph or list item in which the cursor is currently located

select next sentence/paragraph

Select the entire next sentence or paragraph

select previous sentence/paragraph

Select the entire previous sentence or paragraph

select next one

Finds and selects the next content matching the currently selected content by searching to the right of the currently selected content

select previous one

Finds and selects the previous content matching the currently selected content by searching to the left of the currently selected content.

Table 21. Deletion commands

What you say

Expected behavior

Supported without Pausing

delete selection

Deletes currently selected content

delete current sentence/list tem

Deletes the current sentence/list item

delete next sentence/list item

Deletes the next sentence or list item (located to the right of the cursor), if existing

delete previous sentence/list item

Deletes the previous sentence or list item (located to the left of the cursor), if existing

scratch that

Deletes the dictated content back to the last punctuation

delete that

Deletes the currently selected content

Table 22. Undo commands

What you say

Expected behavior

undo that

Undo last command spoken

Table 23. Navigation commands

What you say

Expected behavior

Supported without Pausing

scroll up

Scrolls up

scroll down

Scrolls down

insert after <word>

Places the cursor after the given word in insert mode

insert after <word sequence>

Places the cursor after the give words in insert mode

insert before <word>

Places the cursor before the given word in insert mode

insert before <word sequence>

Places the cursor before the given words in insert mode

next section

Places the cursor at the end of the next section in the document

previous section

Places the cursor at the end of the previous section in the document

go to beginning of sentence/paragraph/list

Places the cursor at the beginning of the current sentence, paragraph, or list

go to end of sentence/paragraph/list

Places the cursor at the end of the current sentence, paragraph, or list

go to <fieldname>

Places the cursor at the specified field

next report

During batch signing, this skips to the next report if FFI encounters a report that is not ready for signing. This command is only available if you are using the new toolbar (currently in beta).

Table 24. Editing commands

What you say

Expected behavior

Supported without Pausing

toggle section/subsection

Toggle the current selection between regular text and a section/subsection

next paragraph/line

Start selected text on a new paragraph/line or create a new paragraph/line at the current cursor position

boldface/bold selection

Turns the current selection into boldfaced text

boldface/bold next &lt;n&gt; words

Bolds the sequence of &lt;n&gt; words to the right of the current cursor position

boldface/bold previous <n> words

Bolds the sequence of <n> words to the left of the current cursor position

bold that

Tuns current selection into boldfaced text

italicize selection

Turns current selection into italicized text

italicize next/italics <n> words

Italicizes the sequence of <n> words to the right of the current cursor position

italicize/italics previous <n> words

Italicizes the sequence of <n> words to the left of the current cursor position

italic that

Turns current selection into italicized text

underline selection

Turns the current selection into underlined text

underline next <n> words

Underlines the sequence of <n> words to the right of the current cursor position

underline previous <n> words

Underlines the sequence of <n> words to the left of the current cursor position

toggle case

Toggles the case of the selection between Title, UPPERCASE, and lowercase

lowercase/no caps selection

Turns the current selection into lowercased text

lowercase/no caps next <n> words

Lowercases the sequence of <n> words to the right of the current cursor position

lowercase/no caps previous <n> words

Lowercases the sequence of <n> words to the left of the current cursor position

lower case that

Turns current selection into lowercased text

uppercase/all caps selection

Turns the current selection into UPPERCASED text

uppercase/all caps next <n> words

UPPERCASES the sequence of <n> words to the right of the current cursor position

uppercase/all caps previous <n> words

UPPERCASES the sequence of <n> words to the left of the current cursor position

uppecase that/all caps that

Turns the current selection into UPPERCASED text

all caps on

Toggles caps lock on

all caps off

Toggles caps lock off

cut/copy THAT

Cuts/copies selected text to the clipboard. You must select/highlight the text first before using either of these commands (using the "select" command).

paste THAT

Pastes the previously cut/copied text at the cursor insertion point. If text is highlighted/selected, it will be replaced by the pasted text.

impress THAT

Copies highlighted text into a numbered list in the Impression section of the report.

new section/subsection

Creates a new section or subsection within the report. You may be prompted for a name depending on the user preference "Prompt for section/subsection titles" found under User Preferences > Editor.


For commands that have "word/word" in the What you say column, you may say either word. For example, you may say "boldface selection" or "bold selection" to apply bold formatting to the selected text.

Table 25. Field commands

What you say

Expected behavior

Supported without Pausing

<field cue>

Selects the field that matches the given cue

next field

Positions the cursor in the next field (relative to current cursor position)

previous field

Positions the cursor in the previous field (relative to current cursor position)

first field

Positions the cursor in the first field in the document

last field

Positions the cursor in the last field in the document

Table 26. List commands

What you say

Expected behavior

Supported without Pausing

new list/insert list

Creates the first bullet of a new list of the type (numbered/bullet) last created in the FFI session. If this is a new session, the default is to create a numbered list.

item number one

Starts a new, ordered (numbered) list

next item

Creates the next item in a list (for both ordered and unordered lists)

terminate list

Ends the list and starts a new paragraph

Table 27. Fluency reporting workflow commands

What you say

Expected behavior

Supported without Pausing

create new report

Launches the New RIS Downtime Job dialog box

create template

Opens the template editor loaded with a new template based on the current draft

find template

Launches the Find Template window

launch template <template name>

Loads the specified template based on the template name

launch template <#>

Loads the specified template based on the template number

launch scratchpad

Launches the New Scratchpad Job dialog box

create macro

Creates a macro based on the current selection

insert <macro name>

Inserts the specified macro (by name) at the location of the cursor

insert macro <#>

Inserts the specified macro (by index) at the location of the cursor

find macro

Launches the Find Macro window

edit macro

Launches the Edit Macro window for the selected macro

delete macro

Deletes the selected macro

check spelling

Launches Spellchecker on the current dictation

save draft

Saves the current dictation as a draft

sign report

Signs the report and closes images

assign report

Allows a resident to assign a report to a staff radiologist

send to transcriptionsend to transcription

Sends the report to the transcription portal and closes the report in FFI

preview report

Shows the HTML version of the Fluency report in a new popup window

insert token

Brings up the insert token dialog box

delete job

Cancels (aborts) the current job

go to sleep

Turns off the recording device

wake up

Turns on the recording device

launch SCOUT

Launches the M*Modal Scout application.

prelim report

Sends a prelim report to the RIS

send for over read

Sends the report for over read

manage templates

Launches the template management page

manage macros

Launches the macro management page

add comment

"Creates a comment located at the current cursor location

critical findings

Launches the Critical Finding creation page

Table 28. STATDx commandsz

What you say

Expected Behavior

Supported without Pausing

Launch StatDX

Brings the StatDX window to the foreground, or restores it if minimized

Table 29. CodeAssist commands

What you say

Expected Behavior

Supported without Pausing

View query

Opens the CodeAssist query for viewing.

Defer query

Marks the query in CodeAssist as deferred.